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  1. D

    Are these purebred chows?

    That dog is so cute. I think it is a pure bread dog but sorry to sound like captain obvious but I would have to see its papers. Absolutely adorable though and beautiful color.
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    What To Do If Animal Control Knocks on Your Door

    Just throwing this out there, how do dog owners justify animal hoarding? I know it is a little off topic but we are talking about animal control. Hoarding is a horrible atrocity and needs to be controlled with the violators need to be thrown in jail; never permitted to have animals again.
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    Breed Suggestions for Roommate

    I'm thinking a Labrador. Great friend and great dog.
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    To breed or not to breed

    Too much breading in these so called backyard breading situations can really mess with the pedigree of a breed. Too much of this leads to unhealthy outcomes.
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    Colorado Senators to Intorduce Bill to Require Cops Take Dog Training

    Great initiative! Too often have dogs been shot when cops don't know how to handle a situation correctly. They get scared and often shoot or abuse the animal who may just be in the wrong place at the wrong time
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    got stuck with an 8 week old pit with issues, help?

    It is a shame when people give dogs to other people as a gift. This is a horrible practice and I feel that giving dogs as gifts can be very reckless. Sometimes people aren't ready for an animal and in this case a potentially dangerous animal.