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  1. R

    The Venting Thread

    I'm sorry but - it doesn't HAVE to be this way. Nobody is forcing you to get rid of your dog. I don't understand the culture on this board, to be honest. People are constantly talking about "NextDog" like they are inflicted with some kind of virus. What about enjoying the dogs you have? There...
  2. R

    Shipping dogs and cats as cargo?

    Hey guys, This might actually not be helpful to the OP since I DID have my dog in cabin, but I find on the internet there is a lot of "OMG DON'T SEDATE YOUR DOGS" and I do know the AVMA's stance is similar. That being said, if your dog panics, you might want to consider something like xanax...
  3. R

    Dance, Journ & a friend

    Great shots. Those black dogs shine and your toller is a lovely little thing. I'm curious to see your pics because it looks like the dobermans rarely get taken out for these adventures. How come? I know four dogs is a lot to take out, but it always makes me sad when the "new dogs" replace the...
  4. R

    Things that cause yeast problems...

    Just a suggestion, but what the vet recommended to us that worked WONDERS was bathing in Nizoral (an anti-fungal shampoo you can get at the drug store) twice a week for one month, and then one a week to once every ten days thereafter. Wow. I had tried everything, and NOTHING touched his...
  5. R

    Study: Starch Digestion Adaptation in Dogs

    Yikes. I never said that they didn't die of other things at all. I know they do, having studied wolves myself. Oh man... I was going to explain myself but sounds like it might not be worth it tbqh. Have a nice day :)
  6. R

    I almost died

    Oh no!! I hate falling down the stairs stories. Glad you're ok!!
  7. R

    Study: Starch Digestion Adaptation in Dogs

    I know I'm new here, but this topic has always been of great interest to me, and I agree completely with pretty much everything you said. I believe that it really bares repeating ... Though similar, dogs are not wolves. I think the argument that we have to feed dogs exactly like an animal that...
  8. R

    Agility Stress?

    Thanks for the post. Yes you are very right... He is reactive. NOT aggressive, he goes out of his way to get away from other dogs, but if they get in his space he bares his teeth and shrieks. So I do think that with the place that wasn't working, it was too big with too many dogs and loud voices...
  9. R

    Agility Stress?

    Thank you for this perspective because the Rudes sounds just like how your summer used to be. And it's probably true that we have never experienced any proper foundation training. Question as well because I have seen a lot of you on this MSG board talk about drive... How does one build drive?
  10. R

    Agility Stress?

    Wow. Thank you so much. I'm sorry about the very rude late response. I read the suggestions and comments the day after and wanted some time to digest, and then life got in the way. As far as how well does he know it... I would say pretty well. We've done 3 ' levels' plus extra classes. But I...
  11. R

    Agility Stress?

    Hello Chaz People. I've been reading up on Chaz the past few months, and since a lot of you are into dog sports, I was wondering if any of you have experienced anything like what I'm about to describe with your own dogs, and if it's something we can work through or if this is obviously too...