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  1. S

    A late introduction

    I registred two months ago and I forgot I've been in this forum before. Since it's never too late, let me introduce myself. Name : Suzanne B. Gender: F Location: Vancouver, BC Pet: Madonna (Maltese) And here is a pic with my dog look-alike found on fiduoduo Cheers!
  2. S

    Check out this great website!, to see how far you look like a dog

    [B]Check out this great website!, to see how far you look like a dog[/ Upload your photo and if you look like a a dog (they have almost all the breeds) you could appear in a famous canadian tv advertisement!! follow this link, you're only three steps from...
  3. S

    Greetings from Vancouver with a great contest !

    Hello everyone I found this appealing website, every dog lover should try it out! create your profile and don't forget to vote for me :hail: P.S. My love's name is Madonna a Bichon Maltese :lol-sign: (photos soon)