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  1. Chrisbosgroup

    Dog day snapshots, My Vicious "pit bulls", &......Jeffy

    So who is the vicious one? Lol! and in this one?:lol-sign:
  2. Chrisbosgroup

    More pics of Bruiser, Chico, & a cog named Jeffy! LOL!

    Here's a couple more pics I took this weekend, we were up in Heber, AZ for the weekend, and these dogs just had blast! Look how happy they were together, wow! All loaded up for the trip Bruiser and his happy gallop! Chico licking his lips waiting for his treat! When we got...
  3. Chrisbosgroup

    Need Help, (Motion Sickness)

    Hi guys, I need a little help, everytime we, (the family) goes on a road trip, (long or short), my 2y old pitbull seems to get motion sick. He starts acting all woozy, then if I don't pull over he'll vomit in the Jeep! Is there any fix to this? Any advice will help, thanks!
  4. Chrisbosgroup

    Hi Everyone again, welcome Chico and his brother Bruiser!!

    They were so excited to be photographed!
  5. Chrisbosgroup

    Bruiser & Chico posing

    Here's the Dynamic Duo, begging for nothing
  6. Chrisbosgroup

    [B]Hi Everyone!!! [/B]

    Hi everyone!! This is Bruiser and my name is Chris, I hope you guys like him, I'll be posting a lot more of him and his brother Chico.
  7. Chrisbosgroup

    Is my pup cute??

    This is Bruiser, he's a 2 years old bull terrier. In this picture Bruiser is begging for a piece of steak I had just bb-q'd, he seems to pose really well when there is a treat in hand! He truly believes he's human, his personality is what makes him so special to us! Is this cute or what?