Search results

  1. Bomgardner

    How do I train my dog to stay housetrained when I'm gone?

    Snickers is about a year old now. He is crate trained and holds his bladder any time he is in the crate or if I am around (he free roams the house without accidents when I'm home). We follow a set feeding and bathroom schedule, etc....all of that good stuff. He holds his bladder all day while I...
  2. Bomgardner

    Help with progressing to home alone

    Ok so we are crate training and all is far. We have even instituted a bell at the door so that Snickers can let us know when he needs to go out. The only problem is, he will ring the bell sometimes just because he wants to go outside, but not because he has to potty. How do I teach him...
  3. Bomgardner

    Home Alone, Crated or Free?

    Can anyone tell me at what age I can begin to trust my Snickers home alone (non-caged)? How do I know when he's ready to try it? For how long can I leave him there at first? What room is best to keep him in? If he has an accident should he go back to staying in the crate for a few days or weeks...
  4. Bomgardner

    Help with behavior problems please!

    Hey My 5 month old puppy Snickers is doing great with house training, but LOVES to misbehave! I think we have some dominance issues, and I don't know how to correct it How do I get him to drop toys/unallowed 'toys' on command? Whenever he starts chewing on something and I say 'NO', he...