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  1. Cimorene

    This is ridiculous...

    I feel really stupid asking for help with this, but I'm kind of at a loss: our new Sheltie (I've written about him before, he's shaping up gradually) is only nine weeks old now, and as I say, he's improving daily, but he has an aversion to being obligated to do ANYTHING! Getting him to "come"...
  2. Cimorene


    When I learned crate training a zillion years ago, I was told (A) to put the pup in a crate only big enough to stand up and turn around in; (B) NEVER to put food or water in said crate; (C) and that while little puppies may need taken out every couple of hours, it would not be long until they...
  3. Cimorene

    Something not quite right...

    We just got our third Sheltie. We love the breed, and our older one (about 2.5 years) is an absolute dog-angel. I just can't think of a better dog, and he just seemed to be that way from the first. About his worst habit is sneaking up on the couch when he thinks he can get away with it, and...