Search results

  1. N

    Doggie toy dilemma

    Ok here is the scoop: My pit Deejay LOVES his rope and pretty much every other toy you give him. He doesn't chew up anything in the house and is great about playing only with his toys. Now, we got Sasha her own toys that are much smaller becuase she is only still 10 weeks old. The...
  2. N

    New user name?

    How can i change my user name?
  3. N

    Some sad news and Good News

    Well everyone, when i signed up here i had my two dogs Nikkie (yorkie/Chi) and DeeJay (pitbull/boxer mix). I had just gotten Nikkie when i signed up here. My pitt fell in love with her at first site. Well after a couple of days of being in the home Nikkie had some seperation anxiety...
  4. N

    Hi Everyone!

    My name is Mercedes and I live in Florida. This might be a little long but i'd like to let you know about my dogs. I have two dogs. My first doggie is DeeJay, he is a PitBull/Boxer mix. He's about 2 years old. My second doggie Nikkie she is a Yorkie/Chihuahua mix and she is 6 months...