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  1. Bobbi_Harlow

    Sedating a gunshy dog.

    My Dixie is very skittish when it comes to loud noises - storms, fireworks, louds crowds at the stadium behind the house, etc. We talked to the vet and he recommended two benadryl, because doggie sedatives cost more than the dog. It took us FOREVER to figure out how to give it to her -...
  2. Bobbi_Harlow

    Hi, new here. 3 dogs.

    I'm new to this place, but not new to message boards in themselves. I love dogs, depsite my allergies. I've had 6 throughout my life, but only 3 are alive now. I'm 18 and delaying college to get my health in order, so I've got more time than I need. More time to spend with the...