Recent content by The Greyhound

  1. The Greyhound

    Kids and agility

    Yes :D I had seen a few of your posts while I was poking around here, I didn't realise you had 3! I'll shoot you a message :)
  2. The Greyhound

    Hello! Yes, I have two paps :) Lilly, the red sable, is nearing 7 years old. I got her from...

    Hello! Yes, I have two paps :) Lilly, the red sable, is nearing 7 years old. I got her from a BYB back when I didn't know too much about the dog world. She's about 13.5" tall and a total goofball xD Knight, Is my little man. He's 9" tall and a total love. He's from Patuxent Papillons in...
  3. The Greyhound

    Kids and agility

    You mean for training right? Try to see if you can find a local Dog 4-H club around her to get her started. There she'd be with other kids her age and get the chance to learn the basics of dog agility, obedience, and just training in general. I personally never did 4-H. When I was 11 I...