Recent content by sglord

  1. S

    Our first TN snow - mom let us outside!!!!!

    They are really enjoying it... Love those pictures
  2. S

    New pics!

    I love the "Window's dirty cause I lick it." He look so guilty... haha...
  3. S

    c'mon enya, play w/ meeee

    Very playful dogs you have there
  4. S

    some pics of my pups

    Nice, really beautiful dogs and top quality pictures you have there.
  5. S

    couple of questions....

    I think lizzybeth727 covers almost everything. Though I think you can try to stop her from peeing in the boys playroom by shouting out a stern command. I have ever try using a water gun to squirt at my dog startling him from peeing and then guiding him to the yard to pee. After a few tries...
  6. S

    ...oh no

    I believe it's best to send your dog to the vet for a check just in case. Your dog might be sick, therefore feeling weak, depress or easily annoyed(being aggressive).
  7. S

    changing a dog name???

    Changing a name is not a big problem. If you have problem with your dog remembering its name, try to associate food treats and positive training such as hugs and gentle stroking by calling out its new name during this seesions. It will come to assoicate its new name as a positive feeling...
  8. S

    Crate in Bedroom or Not

    There' some articles that you might like to read that can help you in training your puppy. You should start the training as early as possible. ==> Be consistent and repetition is the key to training your dog successfully.