Recent content by samschic

  1. S

    One step forward yesterday, one step back today

    I TOTALLY hear you on that one. My dog can be aggressive towards other dogs too (especially when they're off the leash and he's not for whatever reason), and I hate that! There's a black lab in my neighborhood that has gotten loose and followed us several times when we're out running...
  2. S


    I've worked on several ranches, and we usually end up using the horse clippers instead of separate dog clippers. They're a little more heavy-duty, but aren't any more expensive (sometimes are cheaper), and work really well. Check out, they usually have some good options.
  3. S

    New dog owner here...

    Totally Normal I have an Australian Cattle Dog, who has a lot of similar behavior to the border collies. Yes, the velcro thing is totally normal, it's actually very typical of herding dogs. It's part of the reason I adopted mine. It is actually probably a good thing, though, because it means...
  4. S

    Bad Leash Behavior-HELP

    I adopted a 2.5-yr old Australian Cattle Dog, and he is very sweet natured and well-behaved, one of the best dogs I've ever had. Except for occasionally on his leash. He has a bad habit of turning around, biting his leash, and pulling and dragging backwards very aggressively. It hurts, and...