Recent content by Saara

  1. Saara

    Other people "correcting" your dogs?

    If we have people over and Chase is begging or generally being a nuisance I'll put her in her kennel. I don't have an issue with friends telling her to get off the couch if she's bugging them, or telling her 'no' if she's begging for food and I'm not around. Nor am I worried about her not...
  2. Saara

    What would your dogs do?

    Chase is crated when we're not home, but if she were loose while we were out I doubt she'd do anything. Bark a bit maybe? I once left her out for the day and when I came home I banged on the door and whipped it open and she was just standing at the top of the stairs wagging her tail. If we...
  3. Saara

    Your Dogs Name: Why You Chose The Dog Name You Did

    Chase got her name partly because I like boy names for girls, and partly because she likes to chase. Mostly I just liked the name, and I considered anything an improvement on the name she had when we adopted her. Tala. Before that she was Spirit.
  4. Saara

    Sharing a heart dog.

    Nope. My husband and Chase definitely love each other, but if he were to drop off the face of the Earth I don't think she'd lose much sleep. She's my girl through and through.
  5. Saara

    Hi everybody!

    I've been creepin' for the better part of the day, so I figured I should introduce myself! My name is Sara, I live in Ontario, Canada and my bff is Chase. She's a three year old shepherd mix and just about the sweetest little girl I'd ever hope to meet. And Napoleon, our rescue...