Recent content by Ratsicles

  1. Ratsicles

    Macon, GA Anti-Tethering Bill Passes

    This is ridiculous. I lived in Macon for a year- I just moved last June. I didn't have a fenced backyard, and the only way my dogs could spend any time enjoying themselves outside was on a long tie-out. If I was still living there, they'd now have to spend their entire day cramped in our tiny...
  2. Ratsicles

    Hello from Me and the Farm!

    Hey, I may be guilty of posting too much information- but I can blame that on being autistic and not knowing when to shut my big fat mouth. I have zero concept of "It would be awkward to say this" or "Perhaps my post should not be 50,000 words long." YOU, on the otherhand, have no...
  3. Ratsicles

    Hello from Me and the Farm!

    Thanks all for the welcome. This looks like a great place. Oooh how wonderful. They actually let you in over here? :lol-sign: For the record, Odie says if you'll stop walking around the house in the nude, he'll stop stealing your slippers. A fair request, if you ask me. :o
  4. Ratsicles

    Hello from Me and the Farm!

    I could only post four pictures in my first post, so here's Culley's: And Axl:
  5. Ratsicles

    Hello from Me and the Farm!

    Hi all! Alot of you may know me from another forum- this place was recommended to me by one of the members there. For everyone else, Hi! I'm Brittany, and I've got six friggin' dogs. Me and my husband live on a small 7-8 acre farm in central Georgia. In addition to the dogs I've got...