Recent content by Pointerhaven

  1. P

    Are there ANY breeds that match what I'm looking for?

    Have you ever thought of a Hunting Type. I do English Pointer Rescue and your description fits most pointers. Take a look at I have had pointers for more than 20 years. Love them and if they get enough excercise then they can be quite content to sit at your feet or...
  2. P

    Any one from iowa

    I will be going to Mt. Plesant soon
  3. P

    Name help?

    I'm glad some other watch Dr. Who, It is a fabulous show and I have all the tapes. I love Harkness for male or female and even Sarah Jane!
  4. P

    Ick, ticks.

    The authorities say that it is going to be an especially bad year for ticks and fleas.. yuck, wish they had frontline for people. I've already been bitten by two, but Tyler has had none. I'm outside alot so I alway check my self before bed.
  5. P

    How much have you spent on training?

    $105.00 for the first class so far, more than than on Toys and Training aides. Starting another class soon. The first was a puppy class, now we need intermediate and then advanced and then CGC and Therapy Dog Training.
  6. P

    Poor "Blue" Hunting Dog

    You definately need to watch him with the pool. If the cover is the tarp type held down my gravity or water bottles he could fall in and get tangled in the cover and drown. Is there a gate on the deck entry? I had an employee loose two beagles like that, it was so sad. I keep our pool gate...
  7. P

    To Add a New Pup...?

    Surprised that no one has posted on this. I am currently a single dog owner, but in the past have had three. I have never had a problem in adding to the pack. As all my dogs have been calm and allow me to be the pack leader. If you have a demanding dog there may be some transitional issues...
  8. P

    Your Dogs Name: Why You Chose The Dog Name You Did

    When I was a child my favorite movie was "Toby Tyler". It is about a young boy who runs aways and joins the Circus. My previous pointer was Toby. My current pointer is Tyler. Previously I had two other pointers, Nate was a purchased dog his formal name was Durant's Nathan Bedford Forrest...
  9. P

    Hi from Pointerhaven

    Hi all my name is Wanda. I live in Hanover, VA just outside of Richmond. I am the proud mom of Tyler a 2 yr old English Pointer. I am Transport Coordinator for Pointer Rescue and an volunteer driver for any transport coming thru my area. I hope to enjoy your stories and become friends...