Recent content by nikkig

  1. nikkig

    Happy end to sad story..please help..

    Yes, Esther is doing just fine! She is sleeping through 1/2 of the night and has not had an accident in her crate for the past 2 nights (knock on wood!) She goes potty as soon as I take her outside most times and is spoiled rotten!
  2. nikkig

    Leg tremors?

    Yesterday and last night my old english bulldog, Lalya, seemed to be having tremors or seizurs. It mostly effected her back legs and only lasted 30-60 secconds. Before and after the fit she was totally normal. Any ideas?
  3. nikkig

    Happy end to sad story..please help..

    Thanks, yea the eyes ARE blue and that is what I was thinking too, I'm so glad we got them out of there, every one of my babies has come from a kill shelter, I wish I could take them all but I am so happy to do what I can! Esther is turning out to be a genious little pup too! Just started house...
  4. nikkig

    Happy end to sad story..please help..

    o.k., still can't figure out how to post the pic but I used it as my avitar. Esther is the red and Vinnie is black. My mom took this pic at the shelter
  5. nikkig

    Happy end to sad story..please help..

    Esther(red) Vinnie(black) oops, didn't work, how do I post a pic and how do I post one for my avitar
  6. nikkig

    Happy end to sad story..please help..

    I plan to, after what I just had to go through with my Boo passing I want to make sure that little Esther has the best care from the beggining so she will be with me as long as possible! I adopted Boo from the same shelter 10 yrs ago (he was 6 at the time) and I never had to teach him a thing...
  7. nikkig

    Happy end to sad story..please help..

    I thought about the t shirt too, she loves to snuggle. My mom lives a few towns over, but they seem to be doing well. The strange thing is though, when my mom was looking at the pups at the shelter (she went back twice before she decided to adopt) the lady told her that they were 1 month old and...
  8. nikkig

    Happy end to sad story..please help..

    Thanks for the response Smkie! What about crate training, is she old enough at 1 month? I was a member her several yrs ago (I was Laylasmom then) I joined after I got Layla, I am glad to be back, I know what a great site this is and look foward to making lots of new friends (and maybe some old!)
  9. nikkig


    Hello everyone! My name is Nikki, my babies are Layla, a 6yr old english bulldog (she is uga's twin!) and new to the family is 1 month old Esther, my new dashound. I recently lost my chi/mix baby of 16 years, Boo. We miss him sooo much. Esther was a gift to me from my parents to help ease the...
  10. nikkig

    Happy end to sad story..please help..

    Good morning, I'm new here and hope to find some friends and advice! Over the weekend my beloved chi/mix passed away. His name was Boo and I have had him for 16 wonderful years. He passed away in his sleep due to old age. Needless to say I was completly devastated, still am. My kids took it...