Recent content by mxxmic

  1. M

    How to Train your puppy

    Useful information, thank you. Some people get a puppy or dog without really considering the amount of time, money, and effort involved in owning one. The more we educate people and make them aware, the less problems we will have.
  2. M

    $53 Billion on pets

    I've taken care of a lot of pets in my life (dog, cat, goldfish, birds, hamster, guinea pig, and rabbits). Like most, if not all, things in life, you have to give something (e.g., time, money, effort) in order to receive something in return (e.g., love, championship, loyalty).
  3. M

    Creator of Labradoodle regrets starting designer dog craze

    I don't think he's responsible for the "unhealthy and abandoned dogs out there." In fact, whether they are pure breeds or mix breeds, there have always been "a lot of unhealthy and abandoned dogs out there."
  4. M

    In honor of her 5th birthday...

    Happy 5th Birthday. :) I had a female Lab once. Love 'em.
  5. M

    Gorgeous GSD is Gorgeous

    Your GSD looks handsome, strong, and healthy. You really took beautiful photos of him. :)
  6. M

    Puppy name suggestions needed!

    I would name her Comette. She looks heavenly.
  7. M

    What Would You Do?

    I had a female Labrador Retriever puppy once when I was little, and she cried in the middle of the night for the first couple of weeks. Looking back at it now, I regret not knowing any better. I like gapeach’s advice about your puppy’s crying and biting. I would also like to suggest...
  8. M

    Potty breaking advice.

    Just be consistent and patient with your pooch, especially when potty training him, and he will eventually learn the routine.
  9. M

    Best Biscuits for Puppies?

    To find the best biscuits or doggie treats for puppies, I would go online to and type in "dog treats" in the search field and then select 4 stars and up on the left column under "Ave Customer Review." to narrow it down. From the shorten list of items, I would then go through the...
  10. M

    Question about my puppy's breed

    I had a yellow Labrador Retriever when I was growing up (her name was Sugar), and she looked like yours when she was a puppy, except she didn't have ears that are the size of your puppy. We won't know for sure what type of breed a pup is until it gets older. In fact, puppies--no matter what...
  11. M

    Hello y'all

    Hi. Nice looking puppies and dogs. Beautiful animals. :)
  12. M


    Hi and welcome. I'm new here, too, and just like you, I've also realized the backward spelling. Thank God for giving us canine friends. :)
  13. M

    Hello Everyone - I am New here.

    Hi James and welcome. I'm new here, too, and I'm here to share my knowledge and have discussions as well. :)