Recent content by Murreydobe

  1. Murreydobe

    Dobe Puppies!

    Jet (the sire) is a dominant black. That means he'll only produce black puppies regardless of what color the dam might be or what colors she might carry. Jet is a handsome guy and has been producing some nice puppies! Good luck with your little ones!
  2. Murreydobe

    Looking for a Doberman breeder

    Oh, there's more than a few doberman breeders in the area..that doesn't mean I'd recommend them to anyone or ever consider buying a puppy from them myself. Whether you decide to go with Montwood or some other breeder, there's a good chance you might wind up on a waiting list...most of our...
  3. Murreydobe

    doberman vwd

    You guys are acting like vWD is the ONLY health problem our breed faces, and nothing could be further from the truth. The doberman has a number of serious health issues that provide far more risk for our dogs than vWD ever would. So should breeders use that vWD clear stud dog with a pedigree...
  4. Murreydobe

    doberman vwd's a difficult situation when there are so few clear dobermans. Do you restrict the genepool to only clear x clear or clear x carrier breeding and run the risk of having some WORSE health problem become a big issue? I'd be the first to agree with you about this if dobermans had the...
  5. Murreydobe

    doberman vwd

    Okay, I stand corrected, my apologies. But I'll still say the chances of the "theoretical load" of each litter being exact is extremely slim, since breedings don't produce 1000 puppies in a real life, genetics just aren't that..tidy. You can count on the fact that a clear dog...
  6. Murreydobe

    doberman vwd

    Yes, you *were* wrong, and obviously still don't understand where you were in error. For example, you said: "Breed 2 dogs carrying it, you'd have 25% affected, 50% carrying, 25% clear." These estimates are for EACH puppy, not for distribution within the litter. There's a difference.
  7. Murreydobe

    Looking for a Doberman breeder

    What are you looking for-a show prospect, a companion only animal, or what? To be honest, there are VERY few doberman breeders in the southern CA area I'd recommend anymore. Most of the really GOOD breeders around here have either died, moved to another area, stopped breeding or made the...
  8. Murreydobe

    doberman vwd

    This isn't quite right. In a carrier x carrier breeding each puppy has a 25% chance of being affected, a 50% chance of being a carrier, a 25% chance of being clear. Clear x carrier-50% chance for each puppy to be carrier, 50% for each to be clear. But these are just estimates, and...
  9. Murreydobe

    doberman vwd

    I do agree with this..buyers should have the option of deciding whether they want to buy an affected dog or not. And LOTS of carrier x carrier breeding is done in dobermans. This is because when the dna test was first marketed there were very few clear dogs. Restricting breeding to clear x...
  10. Murreydobe

    doberman vwd

    There's a big difference between a doberman that's genetically affected and one that's actually clinically affected. VERY few genetically affected dobermans actually ever have any kind of clotting difficulty. Most lead perfectly normal lives, endure injuries and surgeries with no problems...
  11. Murreydobe

    I know you guys are getting sick of me but...

    Dobermans are a HIGH energy, highly intelligent breed. They're NOT a good "starter breeder", they pretty much demand owners with highly developed leadership and training skills. They are a true working dog, and will become problematic without a job...bored dobermans get themselves into big...
  12. Murreydobe

    Turmeric for Fatty Lipomas

    The dosage I was given for lipomas was 500 mg. twice a day for a 60 lb. dog. If you look on the web, there's a lot of variation about dosages. One site suggests you load the food with turmeric until the dog won't eat it, then back off. This was posted on a site for canine cancer...
  13. Murreydobe

    Turmeric for Fatty Lipomas

    That's weird, Rush doesn't have any kind of odor from the turmeric he's been getting. After hearing that was happening with Ilsa, I asked my friend who's been giving it to her senior bitch-she hasn't had a problem with odor from it, either.