Recent content by Melle

  1. Melle

    The dog musing/vent thread

    Oh no! That is tricky. Is raw an option for him?
  2. Melle

    The Good News thread

    Thanks for the input, it's really reassuring! Urgh I keep reading all these horror stories about PetSmart bathing but of course people tend to be more vocal about what they dislike than what they like. Im comparing it to the job I'm coming out of from the past two seasons. I've been grooming...
  3. Melle

    The Venting Thread

    Oh thanks! Farm 51 looks like one that'd grab my interest the most since it looks like they have animals as well. Too bad farming season is over already, but I'll definitely look to get into it in spring :)
  4. Melle

    The Good News thread

    Well I went in today for my onboarding process and it turns out a position as Bather opened up in the salon and I was asked if I'm still interested in taking it on. Of course I said yes, as I've been interested in grooming as a possible career within the past year. I'll just have to take an...
  5. Melle

    The Venting Thread

    Man I really wish I or my parents had known about 4-H when I was a kid. I've really been big on the idea of agriculture and raising up my own animals and having a hobby farm to partway or hopefully totally live off of. 4-H would really have given me that boost and confident and know-how. Then...
  6. Melle

    The Good News thread

    Oh gosh, little hairless beebs! So cute! People keep joking about me feeding my pet rats to my snakes but I must assure them I love them all. My good news: I got the job at PetSmart! :D I'm so happy. I went in for my second interview today and they made the offer. I'll be a Pet Care Associate.
  7. Melle

    The Good News thread

    Haha yeah definitely in the future when everyone's all grown up and settled and I'm used to reptiles again (it's been so long!) But I fully intend on a pied in the future one way or another ;) On another note, PetSmart called me back for an interview for next week! I'm so excited. Life really...
  8. Melle

    The Good News thread

    As it so happens, a breeder I started talking to had a gorgeous, vibrant baby boy 100% Het Pied all set and ready to go home... ;3 He's yet to have a name. But WOW, I'm in love! I adore how docile he was right out of the box, curious and calm, and nothing beats that inky black and gold...
  9. Melle

    The dog musing/vent thread

    I just saw a police dog and handler walking by at the transportation center while I'm waiting for my bus, and the dog got suspicious, excited, whatever it was and jumped at a mom and kid (didn't see that exact moment but it wasn't at all aggressive) and the handler snapped the leash hard, yelled...
  10. Melle

    The Good News thread

    The most affordable! LOL there are so many beautiful morphs I'd love but couldn't afford right now all broke and 19, but if I could I'd love a plain banana morph or a pied. I wouldnt mind settling for a nice normal but I'm also shopping around to see the varieties. I set up a little tub cage...
  11. Melle

    The Good News thread

    I DO, I can't lie. I have literally been staring at BP's ever since I got home today. I haven't even started seriously handling Ziti since he's settling in but I just KNOW I need more snek! There's something so captivating and easy about them (well, these species at least). And they're angels in...
  12. Melle

    The Good News thread

    He's here! After a bit of a harrowing journey involving getting stuck in the Memphis Fedex hub for longer than I expected, my little blizzard male has arrived! I decided to name him Ziti because I've been feeling the whole pasta vibe. I already want more little snoots. Here's some pics from his...
  13. Melle

    The Good News thread

    It's official! This Thursday I'll be receiving my 2015 hatchling blizzard corn snake male from the breeder! :D Now little snoot is gonna need a name. His viv is looking good, complete with hides and heat and all he could want. And my freezer will be all set just before the time frame of...
  14. Melle

    The musing thread

    I'm about to officially begin preparing for snake ownership! It'll definitely be a new experience for me because except the time my dad made a bin terrarium for an Eastern Brown when I was a kid, all of my pets have been furry things. I'll be buying my own mini freezer for my room, then...
  15. Melle

    The dog musing/vent thread

    Putting this here because it's dog job related. I found a couple listings that sound like hard work but promising. One is a position as a grooming apprentice/bather and the other as a dog daycare attendant. Not sure I know which one would suit me better - a groomer did let me shadow her for a...