Recent content by GRdad

  1. GRdad

    Happy Birthday, Dino

    :) My boy, Dino, is 9 years old this month. There he is being his goofy self. My picture gallery
  2. GRdad

    I'm "driving" my Dad crazy!

    Dino applied for a drivers permit and was turned down. My Gallery Page:
  3. GRdad

    Daaaaaad...Help me! Look what mom did to me!

    Look what she did to me, Dad! Ahhhh...much better, Dad. I knew I could count on you.
  4. GRdad

    Any advice for treats for small pups?

    Try some sliced banana, in moderation. They love it!
  5. GRdad

    Possible Ear Infection

    --You have to flush the ear canal also. Try "Nolvasan Otic" or ask your vet to recommend a product. Have them show you exactly how to clean your dogs ears while you are there. Some vets automatically show you this, some don't.
  6. GRdad

    Dino: I didn't do it, Dad...Honest!

    Here is Dino trying to explain to me how the trash cans got knocked over. I seem to recall some mention of the cat from next door. Hmmmmmmm.
  7. GRdad

    Dino, showing his goofy side!

    Looook into my eyeeeeeessss...I have you under my spelllll.....
  8. GRdad

    Car Sick

    If it's a really cronic problem, ask your vet about Dramamine. Also, dogs travel best on an empty stomach. Many of the dogs that I have had pretty much become accustomed to riding in the car and eventually outgrow the problem. Regards.
  9. GRdad


    Hello everybody!!! :) My name is Bill and I am the proud owner of Dino, my golden retriever dog. I'm from New Jersey/USA, land of high taxes, high car insurance, wall to wall shopping malls, and casinos. :) And now, Dino: