Recent content by GAMom

  1. G

    Comment by 'GAMom' in media 'Ashley with Damon'

    Both of them look really happy! How sweet!
  2. One of my favorite pictures

    One of my favorite pictures

    This is one of my favorite pictures. My husband, Tony, was sitting on the couch when Jack climbed on the back of the couch (yes, the back...behind Tony's a cat!) and draped himself over Tony's shoulder. I had to snap a picture.
  3. MY couch!

    MY couch!

    We had to completely turn our couch over to Jack.
  4. Sit...good dog!

    Sit...good dog!

    Here's Jack, our chocolate lab, agreeing to pose so I can take yet another picture. He's a great dog!
  5. I'm such a good sport!

    I'm such a good sport!

    Our chocolate lab, Jack, is so great with our girls. Here he plays dress-up with our daughter. What a great sport!