Recent content by BamMcg

  1. B

    Saint Barnard Not eating

    I don't know. She still didn't eat all night...I brought food to bed with us. I know a lot of people don't agree with letting dogs sleep on the bed but I do...please don't debate it. Anyways, I hardly got any sleep last night. She kept draping herself across me, and on my head, under the...
  2. B

    Saint Barnard Not eating

    Iams isn't that bad of least I don't think so. I'm not asking about the quality of food. In fact, my vet said it was pretty good. There's definately worse out there. That's just what I've always fed, exept for the short time I tried the BARF diet...I was told later(we lived in...
  3. B

    What breed??

    Well, I didn't have time to read through every post, but I wanted to add the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel to your list. They are VERY affectionate, bred for that specific reason for King Charles the third, I think. Mine doesn't bark much, they love to have other dogs with them, they are not...
  4. B

    Saint Barnard Not eating

    Hi, I picked up a Saint Barnard mix from outside in my front yard...called the humaine society, made flyers, called the paper ect. Anyways the question is that she's not eating, exept the small amout of meat from the table, I know, not good for her, but my mom gave it to her. There's no way...