Changing Views

Feb 4, 2008
We've had threads like this before, but not for awhile.

So, how have you changed since you've gotten into the dog world/into dogs? Are topics you've loosened up on? Gotten more adamant about?

Have you gone from one type of dog/breed to another? Have your focuses and interests be in sport, pet, training etc. changed? How so?

What's the biggest difference in your past self (as it relates to dogs) and your now self that you see?

Any predictions on how you'll change and evolve in the coming years? What way do you see your type dog dog/sport/interest progressing?


Active Member
Oct 14, 2006
Cool idea for a thread!

So, how have you changed since you've gotten into the dog world/into dogs? Are topics you've loosened up on? Gotten more adamant about?
umm. I think I started getting into the dog world when I was like 8 years old, SO, a lot. I think as an adult (or teenager-adulthood, basically since I've been responsible for my own dogs), I've learned A LOT...I used to have these conceptions that a well socialized dog wouldn't be reactive or aggressive, mostly. Everything else I had a pretty good idea of. My access to dog training resources was pretty limited to ancient school library books, so I did have these ideas that you could stop a dog by jumping by stepping on it's back feet or stop them chasing cars by flipping them over with the leash...thankfully I never proceeded with that.

Have you gone from one type of dog/breed to another? Have your focuses and interests be in sport, pet, training etc. changed? How so?
Not ownership wise, but interest wise...I used to be more interested in herding breeds (mainly aussies and BCs) because of my sports interest. JRTs too. I still like those breeds, and would like to own at least some of them one day, but I've realized I'm largely way too busy and probably wouldn't do great with a BC, so for now I'll learn towards less "insane", intense, drivey breeds (to some extent). I was also interested in many guardian breeds, like rotties, and also thought with socialization theyd be fine, but now I realize it's not really fair to have a dog like that when you entertain and have tons of people in and out of your house. I became more involved in rescue in a hands-on way, particularly with pit bulls, so would lean more towards the dogs I deal with in that environment than originally planned (where I wanted working, sporting dogs and breeds).

What's the biggest difference in your past self (as it relates to dogs) and your now self that you see? Probably that I have a more realistic view of my available time/energy/exercise resources regarding a dog and I no longer want competitive sporting/working dogs. There are just other areas of life I'd prefer to spend my time/money than traveling to trials or spending hours each week formally training

Any predictions on how you'll change and evolve in the coming years? What way do you see your type dog dog/sport/interest progressing? I kind of see it eventually, long down the road, going back to where it used. I can see as a retired person or when my children are older, wanting to be more involved in sports, or with a more intense, needy dog. But in the near future (15 years or so, maybe even longer), I see myself wanting LESS of that in a dog, since I'm having my second child and hopefully have more, and be advancing in my career, volunteer work, etc. I think I used to be willing to fit my life around my dog's needs, and now I need it moreso the other way around. In the far future, I can see myself getting more dedicated to specific breeds or even purchasing a dog, and eventually at some time in my life I would really like to participate in PP sports, but I don't know if that will ever happen....certainly no time soon.


Active Member
Oct 9, 2013
Hudson Valley, NY
I think in most ways I've changed very little. I've always had the same general requirements in a dog (appearance, size, temperament). The specific breed could go a number of different ways but what I like in a dog has been consistent for probably 15 years, since I was a teenager.

My outlook on dog sports and activities hasn't really changed either. I got a dog planning to dabble in everything, but I wasn't sold on the idea of competition. I still feel the same. I love doing stuff, training, going to classes, etc, but I'm just not a very competitive person and I don't love or need to go to trials (though it's fun once in a while). This comes from my riding background - I rode horses for 10+ years, but only as a hobby and not competitively and I really enjoyed it. I look for that same experience with my dogs. I love having a hobby gives me goals to work towards, and a better relationship with an animal, but I don't feel the need to pursue it intensely or competitively.

I've just learned a lot. I've learned more about what it takes to make a successful dog and handler team, I've learned new techniques, I've learned about motivation and building drive, and I've learned how to change my approach based on the dog. I haven't mastered any of these things by far, but I'm far beyond where I started. So in the sense that learning things changes who you are, then yes I've definitely changed. My main view that has changed through this learning process is that I no longer care about being "pure positive", whatever that means. I've learned that there are tools and techniques that are not evil and may be what is best for that dog and handler.

This doesn't really surprise me. I think I've always been pretty consistent in my personality and knowing what I like and don't like. I don't see my views changing in the coming years, though I certainly plan to keep learning as much as possible and having fun with my dogs.


Mild and Slightly Nutty
May 9, 2011
Madison, WI
So, how have you changed since you've gotten into the dog world/into dogs? Are topics you've loosened up on? Gotten more adamant about?

I was 13 when I finally got my own dog and I never looked back. Since then my dogs and pets over the years have taught me how to be a better owner. Each animal with it's unique personality and needs brought with it different knowledge. I am far less militant about many dog related topics. Spay and neuter especially I am way more laid back about and have changed my views on considerably. I am still adamant about people being responsible and caring owners though :)

Have you gone from one type of dog/breed to another? Have your focuses and interests be in sport, pet, training etc. changed? How so?

My first dog was a GSD. Being 13 I had help from the local dog club president working him (he was a friend of the family and this was a small town in Germany). So long ago...30 years in fact. Training methods and I have come a long way since then. I had cocker spaniels (and a rough collie) for a long time. One of them taught me how much I enjoy a clever now I have the most clever beastie ever, Watson the basenji. Getting a Shar Pei was a decision I made with my husband, he wanted a more laid back dog as a second dog and liked the peis after we met a couple. I had always liked the breed and had know several over the along came Menchi. My focus with the rough collie was ring nerves ensured that we did not get all that far and then returning to college put and end to having time to compete... Now we dabble in things and do lure coursing. We have taken obedience classes, agility classes, and are planning on trying out some rally classes... maybe we will compete, maybe we won't...we play things by ear and enjoy our activities.

What's the biggest difference in your past self (as it relates to dogs) and your now self that you see?

I am better at the training part. I have a better understanding of them, the personalities and what works for them and what doesn't. I think I have learned to bond with them more and accept them for the dogs they are...and love them for it.

Any predictions on how you'll change and evolve in the coming years? What way do you see your type dog dog/sport/interest progressing?

I hope to continue deepening my understanding of my current and future dogs (of dogs in general). I find their company incredibly rewarding. We will continue to dabble...and see what happens. :)


"I'm kupo for kupo nuts!"
May 11, 2010
So, how have you changed since you've gotten into the dog world/into dogs? Are topics you've loosened up on? Gotten more adamant about?

Food. I used to be in the grain free, novel protien, holisitic, raw food camp. Now? I think food is so much more complicated of an issue than just "does it have corn, because corn is the devil incarnate". The blend of ingredients, the protien/fat/fiber, whether or not the food has been feeding trial tested, the vitamins and minerals, the extra junk that no food needs (sugar, food dyes, unnamed meat and bone by-products)...
I used to feel like I was doing a disservice to my dogs when I couldn't afford to feed the $100 bags of Orijen. Now I fed the $38 bag of Pro Plan and am 110% happy about the quality of the food and the health of my dogs.

Breeding. I just don't care about purebred vs mixed breed anymore. So long as you're being responsible with what you're doing...have at it.

Have you gone from one type of dog/breed to another? Have your focuses and interests be in sport, pet, training etc. changed? How so?
I still love my retrivers. <3 That being said, I used to think i wanted a bully or mastiff type dog. I wouldn't really seek one out now, although I am still fond of them. I also always thought I wanted dogs that were a minimum of 75 pounds. Now I'm much more interested in the 45-60 pound range.

I always used to want to compete in All The Sports. Obedience, agility, rally, weight pull, dock diving...they all seem(ed) like so much fun. As life has continued on, though, I've come to realize that I don't have the money to pursue those kinds of venues and while they would be ao much fun, the monetary requirements are extremely daunting. (Not to mention that I'd have to travel 1.5 hours to even find a training place near my current location.)

What's the biggest difference in your past self (as it relates to dogs) and your now self that you see?
I'm much less of a bossy know-it-all. I'm more health conscience. I'm much more laid back about things than I used to be.

Any predictions on how you'll change and evolve in the coming years? What way do you see your type dog dog/sport/interest progressing?
I have a feeling I'll be strongly leaning towards what makes a good average joe pet dog than what makes a good working/sport dog. Having a well mannered take anywhere, do anything kind of dog is slowly becoming a greater value to me than a dog that wants to DO THINGS.


Active Member
Oct 14, 2006
Oh, I used to be much more against "designer" breeds. I don't think that was too far off as I know very few designer breeders who are ethical breeders, but I also now don't care WTF kind of dogs you're mixing if you're creating something useful and healthy and capable. I used to pretty much be ok with labradoodles, who's original purpose seemed clear to me, and think everything else was just a moneymaking scam or offense to the billions of rescue dogs, but now I can see the benefits of "breeds" (or crosses) like puggles, border staffys, and even (sometimes) cockapoos and such.

I don't think I'm ever going to understand certain crosses, like malti-poo or morkie or cavachon (is the latter just supposed to be a smaller cockapoo?). But I'd rather see someone breeding a healthy morkie than a 3 lb yorkie who's knees can't stay in place for thirty seconds.
Nov 17, 2012
So, how have you changed since you've gotten into the dog world/into dogs? Are topics you've loosened up on? Gotten more adamant about?
I have changed enormously, I think, even in the last 5 years or so. I have totally loosened up my thoughts on spay/neuter, diet, purebred vs mix, what defines a good breeder, what is 'bad' behavior from dogs. Used to be pulling on leash, jumping on people/counters, reacting to doorbells etc etc was SO bad. Now I couldn't care less as long as it doesn't bother or hurt anyone.

Have you gone from one type of dog/breed to another? Have your focuses and interests be in sport, pet, training etc. changed? How so?
As a kid and teen I would totally obsess over one breed for a while and then switch. I wanted a retired greyhound, I wanted a ridgeback, and then I was pit bull pit bull pit bull and wanted nothing but. Now breed isn't too important anymore, although I am still fond of my childhood favourites. I'm also a lot more interested in littler dogs now, where I used to want BIG dogs. I'm also a lot more interested in sports and activities than I used to be, but have no drive to compete. I just want a hobby to enjoy with my dog.

What's the biggest difference in your past self (as it relates to dogs) and your now self that you see?
I have done almost a 180 on my training methods, although my tolerance level for those who train differently is about the same. I thought Cesar was a genius and applied his methods (as a 16 year old kid, yeah not smart) to every dog I had my hands on. I was harsh and expected way too much of them. Now I will only consider aversives as a last resort and only if the behavior is truly dangerous or a nuisance to live with. I'd rather live and let live for many issues than physically correct a dog. I do inwardly cringe and (tbh) judge a little when I see folks using aversive methods or equipment, but as long as they aren't really hurting anybody or their dog, I keep my mouth shut - I find the conflict more upsetting than watching someone pop their dog's prong just because it's staring at me and Venice. I have been there and done that and have 0 interest in talking to or debating with anyone who isn't open minded or doesn't believe there's another way.

Any predictions on how you'll change and evolve in the coming years? What way do you see your type dog dog/sport/interest progressing?
I don't think I'll be able to get too much more involved in sports/activities just because of money. I think I'll continue to be more interested in dogs that are easy to live with (but still able to participate in stuff and things) as opposed to 'high octane' pups.


Active Member
Jun 2, 2006
So, how have you changed since you've gotten into the dog world/into dogs? Are topics you've loosened up on? Gotten more adamant about?

I'm less militant in my mindset regarding people leaving their dogs intact. There are still a whole lot of people who I think shouldn't have intact dogs, but I no longer uncomfortable with many people choosing to leave their dogs intact for other reasons.

I'm much, much more careful about letting my dogs interact with other dogs. The trainer I originally worked for was very big on "let the dogs work it out!" and basically any dog interaction being good socialization. She's a published author on dog communication. And I think it's all crap. I used to take poor Meg to dog parks, and I feel bad about that because she was not happy. I was much smarter with Gusto, and I have a much more stable dog. He gets tons of playtime and hiking and interaction with dogs I know and trust, and he's not put in a position where he has to interact with unknown dogs any more than completely necessary.

Have you gone from one type of dog/breed to another? Have your focuses and interests be in sport, pet, training etc. changed? How so?

Not much. It is still mostly about hiking and agility for me. I had a passing interest in obedience, but it has dwindled. I've gone from thinking I might never get anything but rescue dogs to thinking I'll get a breeder dog next, but to be fair, that remains to be seen. And I was never really against breeder dogs anyway.

What's the biggest difference in your past self (as it relates to dogs) and your now self that you see?

I'm more comfortable with my beliefs and more confident in standing up for them. I'm not likely to get into it with someone doing something I disagree with, but I'm also not as likely as I once may have been to allow myself to be drawn into something I don't like or am not comfortable doing with my dogs. I'm better at standing up for them and for myself.

Any predictions on how you'll change and evolve in the coming years? What way do you see your type dog dog/sport/interest progressing?

More of the same. Most of my beliefs haven't wavered much.


We are Home.
Oct 22, 2004
Tallahassee Florida
So, how have you changed since you've gotten into the dog world/into dogs? Are topics you've loosened up on? Gotten more adamant about?

I grew up in it so ALOTTTTTTTT! More adament about some less about others.

Have you gone from one type of dog/breed to another? Have your focuses and interests be in sport, pet, training etc. changed? How so?

Pit Bulls and hard dogs used to be it. This time we went for a medium drive dog because we wanted a service dog. Next will be a driver dog in bite work but that won't be until we own a place. Not sure if my Fila will ever come because of the kids.

What's the biggest difference in your past self (as it relates to dogs) and your now self that you see?

Less focused. I am not AS obsessed with little things.

Any predictions on how you'll change and evolve in the coming years? What way do you see your type dog dog/sport/interest progressing?

Not sure.


I'm All Ears
Nov 2, 2006
So, how have you changed since you've gotten into the dog world/into dogs? Are topics you've loosened up on? Gotten more adamant about?

Basically I don't care nearly as much as I did. lol If people and dogs are happy and healthy I'm cool.

Have you gone from one type of dog/breed to another?

Yep. I went from shelties to papillons to.... Hank. Whatever he is. I also went from breeder to rescue. I expect I will have more Hank types in the future- high energy, high(ish) drive, smedium (20-30 lbs), easy coat care, athletic type dogs. They are probably my ideal but I'd totally have shelties and papillons again or a number of other breeds. I expect I will have more rescues and also breeder dogs. Wherever the right dog is found.

Have your focuses and interests be in sport, pet, training etc. changed? How so?

I wanted to show confo very badly in high school. We showed Beau and now I have less than 0 interest in confo. I've gotten pretty involved in sports obviously. the last 3-4 years we've tried a lot and some has stuck and some hasn't. Still love agility and am more 'serious' about training it nowadays. I'm a much better trainer nowadays too. I also went from being 'all positive' to not really giving a crap. I mean... I train 99% positively but I don't care much what other people do as long as they're not being morons.

What's the biggest difference in your past self (as it relates to dogs) and your now self that you see?

Much more relaxed about what is good or bad breeding. I don't care if a breeder doesn't show. I am not a stickler on what lines are 'correct'. People should get the dog that fits them and not worry if they are getting the most PC thing. I feel like I'm a better trainer and owner than I used to be. A lot more knowledgable and just plain experienced.

Any predictions on how you'll change and evolve in the coming years? What way do you see your type dog dog/sport/interest progressing?

I see myself sticking with agility and dog sports in general. Some other sports are mildly interesting but agility is my thing. Probably USDAA and AKC mostly. I hope to have a variety of breeds and types of dogs and just keep on having fun. So far it's been a blast.


Active Member
Nov 1, 2009
So, how have you changed since you've gotten into the dog world/into dogs? Are topics you've loosened up on? Gotten more adamant about?

Food. I used to be in the grain free, novel protien, holisitic, raw food camp. Now? I think food is so much more complicated of an issue than just "does it have corn, because corn is the devil incarnate". The blend of ingredients, the protien/fat/fiber, whether or not the food has been feeding trial tested, the vitamins and minerals, the extra junk that no food needs (sugar, food dyes, unnamed meat and bone by-products)...
I used to feel like I was doing a disservice to my dogs when I couldn't afford to feed the $100 bags of Orijen. Now I fed the $38 bag of Pro Plan and am 110% happy about the quality of the food and the health of my dogs.

Breeding. I just don't care about purebred vs mixed breed anymore. So long as you're being responsible with what you're doing...have at it.

Have you gone from one type of dog/breed to another? Have your focuses and interests be in sport, pet, training etc. changed? How so?
I still love my retrivers. <3 That being said, I used to think i wanted a bully or mastiff type dog. I wouldn't really seek one out now, although I am still fond of them. I also always thought I wanted dogs that were a minimum of 75 pounds. Now I'm much more interested in the 45-60 pound range.

I always used to want to compete in All The Sports. Obedience, agility, rally, weight pull, dock diving...they all seem(ed) like so much fun. As life has continued on, though, I've come to realize that I don't have the money to pursue those kinds of venues and while they would be ao much fun, the monetary requirements are extremely daunting. (Not to mention that I'd have to travel 1.5 hours to even find a training place near my current location.)

What's the biggest difference in your past self (as it relates to dogs) and your now self that you see?
I'm much less of a bossy know-it-all. I'm more health conscience. I'm much more laid back about things than I used to be.

Any predictions on how you'll change and evolve in the coming years? What way do you see your type dog dog/sport/interest progressing?
I have a feeling I'll be strongly leaning towards what makes a good average joe pet dog than what makes a good working/sport dog. Having a well mannered take anywhere, do anything kind of dog is slowly becoming a greater value to me than a dog that wants to DO THINGS.

Thanks for allowing me to type less.

Yes pretty much all this.


Active Member
Aug 28, 2011
Southern California
So, how have you changed since you've gotten into the dog world/into dogs? Are topics you've loosened up on? Gotten more adamant about?

I care a lot more about people being nice to each other. Just be nice! I also care a lot less about what other people think about my dog/my training style/my choices.

I also have become extremely (privately, quietly, to myself) judgmental about certain types of dog owners. Why my feelings should matter is unknowable, though. ;]

Have you gone from one type of dog/breed to another? Have your focuses and interests be in sport, pet, training etc. changed? How so?

I am still on dog numero uno, and we're still doing the sport I got her to do, so we're pretty happy with that.

What's the biggest difference in your past self (as it relates to dogs) and your now self that you see?

I'm a lot more patient and kind with myself and the dog. I value engagement more and accuracy less. I am more focused on the good than the bad. I am more comfortable advocating for my dog and myself, for our space and our time, and less likely to allow someone else to change what I want to do. I am more likely to modify my training strategy to fit the dog. My timing is better. I am more comfortable putting everything down, hugging the dog, and coming back to the situation later on.

Any predictions on how you'll change and evolve in the coming years? What way do you see your type dog dog/sport/interest progressing?

I'll continue to become a better trainer. I'll continue to become a more gracious loser. I will continue to become a better communicator and advocate for my dog. I hope to become more patient and kind, and to continue to value our relationship over the sport. I also hope to become better at the sports we do.


orange iguanas.
Jul 31, 2005
In some ways I've changed a lot, but a lot of things are the same.

I've loosened up a lot when it comes to food and breeders, but not in a "I don't care it's all fine" sort of way... I'm still analytical just in a different way. And don't believe that everyone has to follow the same set of criteria that I do, different things work for different people/dogs and there's no one right answer.

The type of dogs I like haven't changed at all. Still love my boxers. Have admired herding breeds since I was a kid, although back then I just thought they were pretty, but now I like them because they seem like a decent fit. We'll see how that goes when I have my own but yeah overall no changes there.

I used to have no interest in sports. And as far as training in general, I just wanted your average well-mannered, quiet pet. I had some interest in agility, just from seeing it on TV I thought it was cool and I used to have some homemade obstacles in my yard, but I didn't want to really do any specific training for it and never ever wanted to compete in anything. Ever.
I now appreciate the crazy in my dogs and am getting sucked into the disc world and participating in my first comp next week. Which makes me curious about other sports. Less than a year ago I had no interest in these things whatsoever!

I feel like I'm just more laid back and open minded about things, and care less about what other people do or think. Unless they're doing something really, really dumb.

I don't even want to guess how I'll change in the future because I've already surprised myself enough in a very short amount of time lol.

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