How much thought do you put into a name?


Active Member
Oct 7, 2009
I wanted to start a country name theme with Harlow, but could not find a name that fit. My third cousin has an ESS named Harlo and I heard my grandma talk about her one day and I was like "that's it!" That was the day before I picked her up.
I love the name Harlow. I think it's one of those strong but feminine names.

Murphy was originally named Sarge which didn't fit him at all. I re-named him within 12 hours of getting him and it fits perfectly.

My only regret in naming Mu is not spelling it Moo. I have no idea why I didn't and it bugs the hell out of me but it's definitely too late (and I am too lazy) to change it. Other than that I love her name, it's unique and funny, just like her.

Tipper came to us as Daisy which really doesn't suit her personality. She's more of a balls-to-the-wall-crashing-crasherton than a delicate flower. I have no idea where Tipper came from but I love it and it suits her. Matt wanted to name her Fish. :p


floor dancer
Jul 10, 2013
Buddy I named after Air Bud. Even though my Buddy was a girl. And she wasn't much of a buddy to me, lol.

As for Roxie... Well, I had this HUGE list of names that had been thought out for months. Huge list. But, the shelter name stuck. Oh well, lol. Roxie's name fits her very well- Rocket Dog Roxie.
May 6, 2013
As I get older and new animals come, I put a lot more thought into naming them than I have in the past. Names are very important to me. I also have a whole list of call names and registered names for future dogs and other animals. Now, whether any of those names fit an animal is a different story.

I was pretty young when I got Emily and named her after a dog I saw on the Dog Whisperer. Now I regret it. lol I don't care for human names for animals, in general.

I had originally named Bayleigh Gremlin and I love that name. Unfortunately, no one else liked it and was pressured to change it. I spent a long time looking up names and finally landed on Bailey but changed the spelling to make it different. I really wish I would have kept Gremlin. While I do like the name Bayleigh, again, it's a human name.

Pirate's name had been picked out years (like 9? years) prior to him actually being born. I still love the name to this day. A lot of thought and meaning went into it.

Penny isn't technically my dog so I really had no place in naming her. However, my aunt kept coming up with really stupid names and I couldn't let this poor girl go through life being called something dumb. Penny was the only name we could agree on.


Active Member
Aug 28, 2011
Southern California
Elsie was going to be Sawyer or Charlotte, but when I had her on my lap for the drive home I realized she wasn't a Sawyer and she wasn't a Charlotte. She was an Elsie.

And it has absolutely nothing to do with her registered name, because I'm not one of the cool kids, lol.
Feb 4, 2008
I think Watson fits his name fantastically. Could not think of him as anything else. And Taq, I've always loved Tippers name, just something about it is perfect.

As for me, I don't love naming but I love the feeling that comes with finding that perfect name. When it fits, it fits and it just stays perfect.

Traveler- Stole his name from this forum. Baxter'smybaby had a dog named Traveler and when I first joined and was lurking back in 2008 that name just struck me and never left. Loved it from the get go and really wanted to name my next dog it. Then when I decided on a Koolie it just fit perfectly and when Traveler got here I just knew it had to be Traveler.

I like that it's unique but not fancy or over the top. I know there are other dogs named that out there but not a ton and I like that.

Didgeridoo-When I was laying in my bed one night thinking of names I could have named Traveler that popped into my head. I've always loved the sound of the word and the instrument. Then I was trying to think of nicknames that went with it and Didgie came out of it. So when I decided to get another Koolie I could not shake that name, I just really loved it. Wombat was also in the running but that's going to go to another Koolie I think.

Even now I call her Didgeridoo probably as much if not more than Didgie. It's just fun and everyone always seems to get a kick out of it. It also just seems to fit her SO well. Plus, you can never stay mad saying "Didgeridoo!"

Fergus- He came with the name Kobe and we just HATED it. Did not seem to fit us at all but we were having so much trouble coming up with a name. We were pretty sure we wanted a human name for him because it fit him but the right one was alluding us. Then my dad walked in and said "Fergus." and that was that.

I honestly don't think there is another name that could fit him better. It's just, perfection. He is such a Fergus.

I like that it's not uncommon but it's not really the most common name you hear.

Overall, I don't have rules for naming. I like human names, I like not human names and our household has always had a good mix of them. Whatever fits the animal seems to win. I try not to go overboard with meanings behind names, I think Didgie is the closest I've gotten and that's just because Didgeridoo is an Australian instrument. I like not super common names but they don't need to be 100% unique as long as they fit.

I love it that when someone asks my dogs name I always smile while I say it.


Clicker Cult Coordinator
May 17, 2006
And it has absolutely nothing to do with her registered name, because I'm not one of the cool kids, lol.
Mine don't either hahaha. Georgie is the only one who got a registered name to fit with her name... Georgie Porgie, pudding n pie, kissed the girls and made them cry. The "peach" came because we called great-grandma Georgia Peaches.
We wanted her registered name to be "Good Time" after the Alan Jackson song but that one got vetoed too. If you don't want it vetoed you cheat and work in an homage to the breeder's heart dog LOL.


Active Member
Oct 9, 2013
Hudson Valley, NY
I should mention the bunnies too. I think DH came up with Otto. We were going back and forth and he said "Otto" and it just fit. Short, cute but not cutesy, different. He's also very calm, reserved, and a look-but-don't-touch bunny, so it seems to fit his stern nature. DH actually got to name something at work, and he called it "Otto", which makes me laugh every time people talk about working on "Otto" in meetings.

When we got Hannah her name was Merlin, which is cute, but I didn't think it was girly or fitting for her. Obviously since Otto is a palindrome, she had to be Hannah. Normally I'm not really into matching names, but it's subtle, and I think it's a pretty name all on its own. DH says if we get a third rabbit we have to name it "Racecar" :rofl1:


"I'm kupo for kupo nuts!"
May 11, 2010
As to "why" the animals have the names they do:

Cynder was named because she's black and it flowed like her original name. (ETA: which I got wrong. She was named Ginger. Not Pepper.)

Abrams was named after the M1A1 Abrams. Not only is it hubby's favorite type of tank, I read an article once that Chessies are the tanks of the retrievers, so it was perfect.

Histamine was name due to Michael's cat allergies. Even if now he has no issues with her. Haha

Tater was named because he looks like a potato.
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Clicker Cult Coordinator
May 17, 2006
When we got Hannah her name was Merlin, which is cute, but I didn't think it was girly or fitting for her. Obviously since Otto is a palindrome, she had to be Hannah. Normally I'm not really into matching names, but it's subtle, and I think it's a pretty name all on its own. DH says if we get a third rabbit we have to name it "Racecar" :rofl1:
That is fabulous.
Mar 23, 2014
I didn't put too much thought into my dogs names. They pretty much came naturally. I like to go for unique names.

Morrison- he three previous homes and three old names. Which were Lil Wayne :rolleyes:, Taco (can't really judge since his nickname is Noodle), and Seth.....yes Seth lol. I was/am a big Doors/Jim Morrison fan. So I had this handsome black haired dog who was all about free love and singing (aka baying) pretty songs. Morrison just seemed like the perfect name for him...And everyone who meets him agrees I always here "Morrison?! Oh that is perfect! He is totally Jim in dog form) and I agree lol.

Fae- I am big into mythology and always wanted to name a future pet Fae. And then this tiny chihuahua/yorkie came into my life. She was so tiny but had such a tenacious personality. Fae seemed like the perfect name for her. Her original name was Abby and I know way too many people with that name.

Leia- She didn't have a name when I went to pick her up from her previous owner/breeder. They told me when I met up with them to pick her up that she can only been called "Puppy" for her first 13 weeks of life. I just remember looking down on her tiny beautiful little face and thought "aww what a little princess". Being the Star Wars nerd I am I then thought "Princess Leia" (Leia for short of course) and it just stuck.
May 29, 2006
I usually put a lot of thought into names. I like people names which is pretty obvious from my choices.

Joey: I originally named him Mario, but after a couple days I realized I hated it. Joey fits him really well.

Lucy: She's red and she's feisty, so Lucy just seemed to fit!

Walter: I was a big fan of Fringe, so that's where the idea of the name originally came from. His breeder named him Sully, but I wanted to get away from the names ending in "y" since I already had two.

His name usually gets a good laugh whenever I'm asked for it. Especially when I'm signing him up for classes.

But he also makes faces like this and so maybe that's what they're laughing at....



Active Member
Nov 22, 2006
Buzz was going to be Buzz or Domino. We decided on Buzz because it was easier to say. His registered name was "Sir Buzz Domino" because creative.

Bailey was Bailey as soon as I found out I was getting a puppy. Her registered name is also stupid though. "Madam Bailey Angel" to match Buzz's. Her new name for a couple different registries is "Aroha's Limited II Iris Creme."

Gabby came as Gaby. That is just dumb. I love her registered name though. "Aroha's ESRA Gift of Gab" with a nod to the rescue responsible for me getting her.


Active Member
Jan 1, 2010
Kalamazoo, MI
I am so particular about names. They are very important to me. I spend a lot of time thinking about them.

Of course, mine have to match. Because I'm weird. Unless something happens and I wind up dog-less, I doubt I'll ever sway from the military names, just because I can't leave anyone out!

I've named all of my dogs.

I adopted a rattie mix and she came with Snooki. I suck at female dogs, and didn't have the theme yet, so I renamed her Bailey and she was such a Bailey.

Got Sir and didn't have the theme yet, just Frag and Bailey. So he started out Chernobyl (he was Sampson in the shelter) and then it was too much to spit out, and I already had Recon's name picked out, so when Recon came home, Chernobyl became Sir (it was already a nickname since Chern didn't have the same ring to it) and Bailey got rehomed to my parents.

Sir went with my Ex when we split so I was down to Frag and Recon when Patton came along - had always wanted to name a GSD Patton after the general of course.

Next dog names - Tango or Zulu for a female; Tic, Brig, and Rommel for a male are all contenders.


Blonde Raccoon
Jul 22, 2008
Ontario, Canada
I had a whole list of names before I got Paris and none of them suited her. I had another name picked out and I was 100% set on that name but, nope. It just wasn't her. I was totally stumped. My breeder suggested a lot of names but as soon as she said Paris, I just knew that that was her! It was one of my favourite cities in Europe when I was travelling, so it has a good association. Plus, she is dainty and feminine so I think that it suits her perfectly. :) Many people have been like OMG THAT IS THE BEST NAME FOR HER. So I guess I'm not alone!

I joke that I named her Paris because she was essentially my graduation gift to myself and instead of travelling to Europe like all my friends did, I just got a dog and named her Paris. :p Only half true, haha.

Seamus was named Warren at the shelter and just, no. I hated it. I was only fifteen and really wanted an S name to go with Sally, and my aunt suggested Seamus and I was like YES. Because the first thing that came to mind was the villain in Charlie's Angels: Full Throttle. :p

Sally we just named Sally because we liked the name I guess. I was only eight and my brother was six. My friend at the time had a stuffed dog 'named' Sally and we both made the association and suggested the name and our parents liked it. So Sally she was!


Active Member
Jun 2, 2006
Poor Meg got basically zero thought, because I really didn't think I was going to keep her, and I was annoyed that I'd used up one of my favorite names on the long-term foster I had just before Meg. I decided I wasn't going to use another "good" name. She'd been Spice, which she didn't know at all, so we brainstormed spices for about 2 seconds before hitting Nutmeg. She's actually still listed as Nutmeg at the town offices. She turned to Meg when I decided she was staying, but my father went in and registered her under Nutmeg for some reason.

Gusto took a good week or so to name; everything one family member liked another hated. Someone in my agility club finally suggested Gusto, and we all liked it.

I have a girl dog name picked for my 'next dog', but really really really prefer boys. Just no boy names lined up.


Active Member
Apr 17, 2006
Way more then I probably should. In my defense, though, if my dogs hadn't come with such terrible names, I wouldn't have had to change them all
Gambit was Jonathon at the shelter. Just no. I originally picked Token for him, and I love that name, but it just didn't suit him. I adore Gambit, but I keep getting asked if he's named after the X-man. Nope.

I actually had a registered name in mind for my whippet (Something Whippet This Way Comes), so I wanted a magic themed name for him. My father suggested Gimmick or Hex, and we all fell in love with Gimmick. He did try out the name Shaman for a month or so, but I love Gimmick for him. His original owner called him David. BTW, it was all for naught, as I never got the papers for him anyway.

Quiddich came to me with the name Quanda. First of all, it's a terrible name. Second of all, "Quanda" has a penis. But I wanted to stick with the Q theme, and I'm a huge dork, so Quiddich he became. Plus, it works out well when I'm referring to him as the Quiddiot.

Dick Cheney came with the name Chunky Monkey from the shelter. But he bore a striking resemblance to a certain ex-vice president, not to mention a similar sour demeanor, so my father renamed him Dick Cheney.

Felony was born on the fourth of July, and came with the name Liberty. It wasn't a terrible name, but it just wasn't her. I'm not 100% satisfied with her name, but it works.

Argon came with the name Fred. Nothing wrong with it, but it wasn't him. I thought an element name would be cool, and Argon just jumped out at me. I miss that Whippitus.
Feb 4, 2008
I've always loved Gimmick and Gambit for your dogs! And Quiddich makes me smile everytime I see it
Apr 13, 2011
Hudson Valley
My husband really wanted to name him after a nut. We already have a cat named Acorn, so keeping with the theme. I didn't like any of them, so we moved on. Then my mom suggested something New York-y, and suggested Jets, Giants, Big Apple. Nope nothing. Driving to work one day, the name just struck me. I think it fits him very, very well.


Active Member
Apr 20, 2006
I don't know, actually. I've only ever personally named three dogs. Tango, Dance and Journey. None of them had very much thought put into them, but they all had some. I won't call a dog just anything.

Tango was a must have for some reason. No idea why, but I'd had that name chosen for at least a year before I even knew I could have my own dog. Then when my Tango was actually born, I'm not sure it suited her instantly, but she grew into it and I couldn't imagine her by any other name.

Dance hadn't had too much thought put into it. I'd had an entirely different list of names for my potential Toller puppy. Aero and Rumour were at the top, which is weird, because I don't love either of those names now. Dance was on a whim. Somebody at my Doberman breeder's house was talking about their past dog named "Danse" and I thought it was really weird at first, played it over in my head a few times and quickly loved it. Then I met my Dance and just went with it, and it suits her perfectly. It'll forever be one of my favourite names.

Journey was really, really hard to name. Again, I'd had a whole different list of names ready and waiting. If she'd been a Koolie or a Toller, her name probably would have been Tehya (tay-uh), but when I met her it just didn't go - it wasn't right. So I went through my other names and still nothing stood out. If I'd known then what I know now, I honestly would have called her "Party". That would be an amazing name for her. It's on my shortlist for future Aussies though. I also have the best boy Aussie name ever, except that I don't want anymore boy dogs haha. Anyway, I actually don't love Journey's name anymore. I love the meaning it has for her, because life truly has been a journey with her, but I had no idea JUST how many dog people (not pet people, but sport people) have dogs named Journey when I named her. It's everywhere!! I hate that. I like different names that you're unlikely to come across. So I kind of wish I hadn't called her Journey. But it does suit her and is still pretty. Just too popular.

My type of name is something different but not too out there, or classic (like "Eve" - I love that name), and preferably one syllable but definitely no more than two. Except in the case of Didgeridoo haha. I was seriously hoping to name a future Koolie that before Linds had mentioned calling her Didgie that and now I never could lol.


Silence, peasants.
Sep 10, 2012
Do you enjoy naming your pets? Or is more just a 'fun' thing for you and kind of use whatever pops in your head? Or do you think REALLY long and hard about names? Or did your dog come to you with a name already and you either liked it or just didn't want to change it for other reasons? Do you like your dogs name as much as you did originally?

Mostly I just get stressed by naming pets, heh. I did think really long and hard about Feist's name and I had a billion names on my shortlist when I got her. Probably about a year before I even got her, it popped into my head and I couldn't get it out as the 'top' name.

I decided on naming her Feist two days into having her, the only reason it took so long was my family was really against the name, they thought it was weird and said they wouldn't get used to calling her that. I finally just decided I liked it so they could deal lol. Now, of course, they love it and think it fits her perfectly.

It's uncommon, it's pretty yet fierce sounding, I only know of one other dog named Feist, and I really like short names. I love it just as much as when I picked it, if not more. :)

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