WARNING: "Clamp-on Coop Bowl"


Agility freak!
Aug 25, 2006
New Brunswick, Canada

Clamp-on Coop Bowl

Simi has a "Clamp-on Coop Bowl" in her crate. It's a smaller one because she doesn't need a huge bowl yet. We've had it on her crate door for a while, but with her other crate she kept knocking it down, but now that she's in a plastic crate, she has been using one again.

This morning I woke up to the sound of Simi whining (not abnormal) and a dog moving around in their crate. Morrie and Crash are in wire crates with steel trays, so I assumed it was Crash spinning in his crate, based on the sound (again, not abnormal). I got up to go let Simi out because I assumed she needed to pee, and when I got into the dog room I saw her sitting, head low, with her side to the crate door. She didn't move when I spoke to her, and then I realized that she'd gotten her HEAD stuck in the food bowl hoop. I thought for sure she was dead when she didn't move when I spoke to her, so I yelled for my mom and she came down. Luckily I was able to remove the hoop from her door on the outside so she was able to move and remove any pressure on her throat, while wearing a "fancy new necklace".

We were able to squeeze the ring off of her head, thanks to floppy puppy skin, but on man, I was horrified, and we will NOT be using these food dish holders again.

I just wanted to share our story as a warning for all of you guys. My story with Simi could have had a MUCH worse ending, but thank god it didn't.
Jan 6, 2012
Wow, that sounds really scary :eek:! I worry all the time about things that are a "closed loop", like those plastic things they use to keep multiple bottles together in the store.

But if I could make a suggestion, this is the style of clamp on bowl holder that I bought to put water in, in Enda's kennel, it is not a continuous loop, you slide the bowl out, and push it back in (I can make a video and put it on Youtube if you want to see how it works?):

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